Assignment Checker
We believe the IR35 legislation applies to this engagement
Disclaimer: This is an indicator of employment status and is not meant to be used or should be used as legal advice. We strongly recommend using HMRC’s Check for Employment Status Tool for more information about your workers employment status. Our tool should only be used for informational purposes.
Why are you getting this result?
Our tool is designed to give you a faster answer, by asking you in-depth questions.
Workers that perform their services under the management from the end client are classed as disguised employees, employed for tax purposes. We do also recommend using HMRC’s Check for Employment Status CEST tool for a second opinion on your employment status. It will further help you take the steps necessary to stay compliant with the legislation.
If you require further assistance, review our solutions to become compliant with IR35 (link back to client section of the micro-site where we have our Venquis Solutions) and book a consultation with our IR35 experts.
Book your free consultation today!
Get in contact with us so we can help find a strategic solution to IR35 for you.